Bric-a-Brac |
Bric-a-Brac: Basic Skills
Ages: 2 - 5 Key-stage(s): Foundation, 1 From: £75.00 This compilation of Bric-a-brac titles provides a complete means for children to practice and develop their essential basic skills. Titles included are Matching, Sorting, Thinking and Identifying. |
Bric-a-Brac: Identifying
Ages: 2 - 5 Key-stage(s): Foundation, 1 From: £25.00 What’s that behind the frosted glass window? Practise identifying through this collection of fun, appealing activities. Players can find images that go together; search for items of a certain colour; classify animals by spots, shapes or shells; and much more! |
Bric-a-Brac: Matching
Ages: 2 - 5 Key-stage(s): Foundation, 1 From: £25.00 Have fun matching shapes, numbers, letters, animals, foods and much more! This title is fully-narrated and contains enjoyable activities to develop the basic skill of matching. |
Bric-a-Brac: Sorting
Ages: 2 - 5 Key-stage(s): Foundation, 1 From: £25.00 Animals, shapes, numbers, colours, indoor-, and outdoor-activities must all be sorted in this collection of captivating games. Expertly designed to encourage the basic skill of sorting while, at the same time, increasing thinking and logic skills. |
Bric-a-Brac: Thinking
Ages: 2 - 5 Key-stage(s): Foundation, 1 From: £25.00 Encourage the basic skill of thinking with this assortment of enthralling activities. Players must think carefully to find: objects related to tasks; opposites; pairs; and items related to colour and time. |